
+Shrooms Life Support 1oz 30ml, 30sv   Expired 6/23. 

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Expired 6/23.  Buy 2 or more bottles at 7.99 each!


 Expired 6/23.  Buy 2 or more bottles at 7.99 each!


+Shrooms Life Support features key ingredients Reishi and Elderberry. This fusion of traditional and unconventional ingredients offers a wide range of benefits that support a healthy immune system.

The ingredients for Reishi Mushroom Tincture and Elderberry tincture include Reishi mushrooms, Elderberry and organic lemons. This unique blend of ingredients has been designed to provide immune system support to fight and protect the body against colds, flu and other common ailments.

Reishi has immune enhancing properties that come in quite handy when the body is fighting off infections. Therefore, when you combine Elderberry and Mushroom supplements, what you effectively have is a product that helps to shorten the lifespan of colds and flu.

If you are not crazy about the taste of Elderberry or Mushroom supplements, this new product is for you, as it has a citrus flavor. Glean the medicinal benefits of Mushroom extract and Elderberry by using this Elderberry tincture.

This Elderberry tincture with Mushroom extract comes in a 10 oz. bottle, which has a dropper. Suggested dosage is 20-30 drops taken sublingually-under your tongue for 30-60 seconds and then swallowed. Use it 1-2 times a day. Alternatively, you can add a few drops in water or juice and drink it. Do this daily. Also, you can take it as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

To increase the longevity of the Elderberry product, store it in a cool and dark place. Keep it away from children.  This Reishi Mushroom Tincture and Elderberry tincture can become a staple in your home, especially during the cold seasons.

This Reishi Mushroom Tincture is made to be used as part of a comprehensive health plan. It is advisable to consult a healthcare practitioner before you start using it, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking other medications. Formulated by our clinical experts, this Elderberry tincture can be added to your daily wellness routine. This product is suitable both for vegans and vegetarians.

All the benefits of Reishi Mushroom extract can be found in this easy to use Elderberry tincture.


What is Elderberry?

Elderberry is a medicinal plant that has been in existence for thousands of years. Elderberry is often sold as a supplement to help manage several conditions. The supplements are available in various forms. The most popular form is in the form of gummies or tinctures. Gummies and tinctures are a great option for people who have trouble taking pills.

Elderberry is used as an alternative health remedy. It is taken orally to help fight off or keep away colds and flu.

According to studies, Elderberry has been shown to have antiviral activities, which binds and blocks the H1N1 influenza virus from infected cells. The use of Elderberry has been shown to boost the immune system by raising levels of anti-inflammatory and inflammatory cytokines, therefore, shortening the duration of influenza infections by 2-4 days.

If you prefer using natural products to fight off cold and flu, then Elderberry is a good option for you to use. While no product can completely cure the flu, an Elderberry tincture and Reishi Mushroom Tincture will provide your immune system with the support that it needs to alleviate the symptoms experienced. This is a powerful plant based remedy that you can take when you are feeling under the weather.


What is Elderberry Tincture?

Elderberry tincture is a product that has been extracted from Elderberry in an alcohol solution. The tincture helps to preserve the herbal qualities of Elderberry and Reishi Mushroom extract. This can last for up to 2-3 years, as long as it is stored in a cool and dark place. These herbs help to boost the immune system.

When the cold and flu season descends upon you, no need to worry. Use Elderberry tincture and Reishi Mushroom Tincture to help you deal with the symptoms. Elderberry tincture does not need to be refrigerated and it will last you throughout the season without going bad. To prepare for the cold and flu season, stock up on Elderberry products in advance. You do not have to fear that it will go bad before you use it.

Tinctures are easily absorbed into the body due to the concentrated plant and herb properties. They are also absorbed faster, meaning that you will start seeing the effects soon after using the product. Since you only need to use a small quantity of it at any given time, it is quite cost effective as it will last for long.

Since they come packed in small bottles, you can carry them around and use when convenient.


What are Raspberry Ketones?

Raspberry ketone is also known as rheosmin or frambinone. It is the compound that gives raspberry its characteristic strong smell. Over the years, raspberry ketones have been used in cosmetics, soft drinks and other processed foods to give them flavor. They have also been used as supplements that are used to aid in weight loss.

Raspberry ketones aid in weight loss through various ways; by increasing metabolism, reducing appetite and increasing the rate with which the body burns fat. However, there is no concrete scientific evidence that shows that raspberry ketones do indeed help in weight loss.

Raspberry ketones are generally considered to be safe to use. Nevertheless, research is yet to be done on the long term and short term effects of using raspberry supplements. However, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor first before starting to use this supplement.

The process of losing weight can be quite hard and challenging. You can definitely use all the help that you can get. If you are trying to lose weight, give raspberry ketones a try. Raspberry ketones are rich in vitamins, which help to give your natural immunity a boost. For best effect, take these supplements alongside a healthy diet, coupled together with exercise.


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